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With the release of the Systematic Paralysis album, A Good Rogering takes some of the best parts of heavy music and builds a sound of their own. With hard hitting riffs, plenty of character, and a blending of sonically driving sounds, the record boasts the aesthetic of alt-rock and metal anthems.
"Like most bands I know who have been around for a while, roster and stylistic changes are inevitable. I'm the only original member and we've had quite a few great players come and go. We've featured many guests on both albums and live, and each has brought something unique to the mix. After my brother (who'd become known as "Chef" due to his initial band attire being an apron and a hammed-up Chef hat) departed in 2015, bassist Samuel Alvarado joined and has been the one constant along with myself since then. Tim Drriscol segwayed in as an additional guitarist and backing vocalist in 2018, and Jeff Gonzalez joined as our touring drummer in 2023. MInus Jeff, this is the group who played on our latest album, Systematic Paralysis. Our longtime drummer, Rom Gov, played on the record which was tracked and mixed at Evil Snail Studios in Austin, TX. Rom along with his brother Kfir own the studio, and it ended up being a perfect situation for us. Kfir did a great job bringing the best out of the demos that my brother and I had recorded back in 2013/2014 on the heels of our Lifeblood release. We knew we wanted to evolve and put more emphasis on vocal melodies and the nature of our lyrical content. Our 2017 EP This Is Death Metal included a few tracks written around the same time, but as a whole there is a conceptual theme and pacing that worked with the songs chosen for System. We never did any prior music videos outside of our "Mr. Peanut" video in 2011, a funk song that paid homage to a hip Persian cat. Since the TIDM EP we've released six music videos and three lyric videos, six of those from the latest album. The first three track videos act as a trilogy, and ironically, even though they were written years prior, the dystopian nature of these tunes really resonated in a post Covid landscape. We saw in real time the dark underbelly of things we'd written about," explains vocalist and guitarist Skunk Manhattan.
A Good Rogering got their start when songwriter Skunk Manhattan moved to Austin after a stint in Los Angeles and Northern England.
After his brother relocated to the same place, they started looking for other musicians and eventually started a band called Pitchfork where they began performing at dive bars throughout 2005, then in early 2006 Skunk joined a local rock band called Quartershackle which exposed him to bigger venues and a huge rock/metal scene.
Within a year, Skunk and his brother, and Quartershackle bassist, Blaine Matte, began writing for a new project and ended up recruiting Mike Molina (aka Mr. Nub) on drums.
By the summer of 2008 they had a handful of songs and went into the studio to cut a six-song demo that ended up becoming their first release.
Systematic Paralysis is the band's third full-length album release and serves as a testament to where they are at with their sound right now.
"Our sound constantly evolves though I think we've really pinpointed our core sound with Systematic Paralysis. The songs are more polished, cohesive, and even commercially viable. I like the raunchy, raw sound of our first album and the eclectic guitar hero nature of Lifeblood, but we were still finding our sound. Were we trying to be Faith No More, Clutch, Type O Negative or Megadeth? We still didn't quite know. Ultimately I think we've found a balance that works well for us. No doubt we'll deviate, but I think we know where our core lies. I'm more likely these days to work with multiple producers and studios which can add a nice variety of color as well. At the moment we have several songs in the works, all very different and spread across several different studios, engineers, producers etc. I'm not sure yet what will end up as singles or on an album or EP, but we've got new stuff coming the back half of this year, and like our prior albums, these songs explore new artistic directions tapping into our ever growing and evolving range of influences," says Skunk of the band's evolution.